Today I was in the shop with this beautiful piece of Maple!! Its on the lathe all ready to go!!
I start turning I get to see some of the grain coming through, which I was a little excited about to be honest.
Then once I had my basic shape, I decided I wanted to try and burn a pattern into one section. After drawing my design, I then start to burn the wood. After about 30mins I realized; I absolutly hated it!!
The design looked amazing in my head, but it just wasn't mean't to be!
Back to sanding to remove the marks, ugh!!
Then realised that I had to add hardner due to some fibers in the grain.
So today I achieved absolutly nothing!!
Ever had that kind of day?!?!?
The piece is still on the lathe. And I have lost my mojo of creativity for sure!!
Back to the drawing board after some coffee and a snack ;) maybe that will do the trick!!